Welcome! If you’re here to heal your body, mind, and spirit, then you’ve come to the right place. My background is rooted in Christianity, and I believe everyone should feel what it’s like to be healthy.

Rebecca- Your Christian Energy worker specializing in releasing trapped, negative energetic past without you having to relive it.
Choose joy, heal pain, conquer goals; for you & your pets.

What is it that I do?

Are you familiar with walking across a carpet barefooted and you touch someone or something made of metal and you get shocked from the static electricity? That’s a great example of the bioelectric field that is in and around us! That’s one of the ways our organs, glands and tissues communicate with each other. When there’s a disruption in that communication, we get sick and are diagnosed with health problems, disorders, diseases, etc. Taking care of the energy in your body will lead to a healthier you physically, mentally, and spiritually. I am trained and certified in releasing and clearing those blocks interfering with our healthiest selves by working with the bioenergetic field within our bodies.


Releasing emotional baggage from you and your pet

Eliminate the charge from past traumas.

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aiding the body in healing for you and your pet

Get your body in balance by removing negative energies.

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making goals a reality for you and your pet

Could trapped emotions be keeping you from reaching your goals?

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About me

in the beginning…

Like most people, I started down this journey with my own health. I was having issues/symptoms my Dr’s didn’t think were important enough to figure out, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I was led by God to a FB group and a book, believe it or not! The Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson is the book I read, and I knew it was my calling. When his second book (The Body Code) came out, I knew I’d have to read that also. Turns out, my God-given gift is helping people by helping-their-body-heal thing, and I ended up getting Certified! I’ve always wanted to be my own boss, and now, I’m finally there! This modality has changed my life as well as deepened my faith, and I’d love the chance to possibly be used to change your life as well.